Strategic Ways to Manage Sawdust Waste When You’re Using a Drill

by | Nov 17, 2021 | CNC Machine Service

If you drill a hole in a slab of wood, you’ll have to clean up sawdust. There is a better way. Follow these steps and manage sawdust like a pro.

Use a Paper Plate

When you’re drilling a hole above you, sawdust could drop on your head or in your eye. If you use a paper plate, it will catch the dust because it falls on you.

To make a vessel out of the plate, drill a hole in the center of it. Next, leave the plate on the bit and start drilling. As the bit tears through the lumber, the plate will capture all debris that drops from above.

Use a Sticky Piece of Paper

A sticky note can help you catch sawdust when you’re operating a drill against a wall. First, fold the paper in half, and stick the sticky side against the wall. Next, drill a hole directly above the paper flap. The flap will capture the sawdust as it falls.

Drill Bit Tactics

Always use the right bit for every job. Your starter set should include several spade bits. These bits can tear through wood and most metals.

If your bits are dull, sharpen them with a sharpening tool. A pointy bit drills a hole, and it creates less dust.

Today’s drills are more than household maintenance tools. Thanks to new innovations, many businesses that now providing outstanding drilling operation services. JBC Machine is a good example. This shop has been in business since 1985.

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