Steps To Obtaining Your Permit For Concealed Carry In MN

by | Oct 28, 2014 | Business

Planning to get your permit for concealed carry in MN is not as difficult as you may imagine. In addition to the paperwork and advanced application, you will also need to complete an authorized firearms training, which is often the most educational and fun part of the process.

Ideally you should check to make sure that there are no reasons that you cannot obtain a permit for concealed carry in MN. The state is a “shall issue” state which means that unless you are prohibited from obtaining a permit the state shall grant it to you when you complete the application and the training.

Requirements for a Permit in Minnesota

The general requirements for a permit for concealed carry in MN are basic and virtually the same as for most other states. You have to be at least 21 years of age to apply for your permit and you have to complete the application form and submit it to the sheriff’s office in the county that you reside. If you are not a resident of the state you can apply to any county.

The sheriff’s office will have 30 days to approve your permit or deny your application. The application is typically approved in less than 30 days and then you have to complete an authorized firearms training. You do have one year to complete the training after an original application or through the renewal process. The permit is good for 5 years and you will have to complete training for renewal.

Take your Training

It is important to verify that your training facility is approved by the Department of Safety of the State of Minnesota to ensure that the training is considered valid under the state requirement.

Most classes can be completed either in-person or online. Both will provide students with the information, training and actual practice with an approved instructor that is required for a permit for concealed carry in MN.

Once you complete the coursework and the shooting test with the instructor for your permit for concealed carry in MN you will also be approved in several other states. Not all states recognize the concealed carry in MN so you do need to verify this before taking your handgun out of the state.

The Must List

