Spring Exerminating in Connecticut: Pests to Look Out for

by | May 9, 2014 | Pest Control

The spring of the year is here and while you are pulling out your shorts and sunglasses, the pests of the season are revving up to invade your yard and your home. You will encounter quite a few pests in the spring of the year in the Northwest. When looking for exterminating connecticut residents should know what type of pests, they could be dealing with from the beginning. Read on for a few of the pests that you should look out for this spring.


If you see small, dark to almost black, winged insects flying around the outside of your home and buildings, you might have a termite infestation. Their annual mating ritual happens in the spring of the year and can take anywhere from a day to several weeks. They drop their wings during this time and can do substantial damage to your home. When searching for exterminating connecticut residents should call right away if they suspect a termite invasion.

Honey Bees

If you suddenly hear buzzing in your walls or have fuzzy small bees showing up inside of your house or beating on the windows, then you probably have a honeybee nest somewhere close. While these bees are extremely beneficial to the environment, they can cause structural damage to your home. The faster you get rid of them in the spring, the safer it will be to go in your backyard. Honeybees can be dangerous if they feel that you are threatening their nests, so always call in the professionals to take care of the problem for you.

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps are reddish brown insects with a thin waist. They tend to wander aimlessly and to look like they don’t quite know where they are going. If you see this in your yard, it probably means that the queen is looking for a place to nest. The most likely place is your attic or under the eaves of your home. You need to be on the lookout for a new species as well, they resemble a yellow jacket, and their back legs dangle down during flight.

For more information on spring pests and what you can do to avoid them, Browse Site here.

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