Solving Common Problems With Air Conditioning Repair in Wichita

by | Jan 10, 2014 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Every summer you likely blast your AC unit day in and day out. Needless to say it’s important that you maintain your system as well as you can. Unfortunately, many homeowners don’t maintain their systems as they should. As a result, systems malfunction and break down a lot sooner than they have to. Let’s take a look at some of the problems you’ll run into and how you can solve those problems.

When it comes to maintaining a system many homeowners turn to a service for Air conditioning repair in Wichita has available, however, a little troubleshooting can go a long way. If you’re unit is acting up, take a look at the unit itself. How is the area being kept around the outside compressor? These areas need to be properly maintained if the system is going to behave the way it should. Often times the compressor is surrounded by weeds and leaves. If this is what your compressor is facing, use weed killer to kill off the weeds surrounding it. You’ll also want to rake or brush away any leaves that have accumulated.

Take a look at the inside unit as well. What’s the condition of your air conditioner’s filter? Many homeowners complain about their units not producing cool air. Although you can call an Air Conditioning Repair service to service your system, you might want to check the system’s filter. Your filter is there to intercept allergens and debris that are in the air. This debris is pulled into the system and caught by the filter. However, over time, the filter becomes clogged because of all of the debris that has been caught. A clogged filter obstructs the airflow of a system, which can cause a system to push warm air instead of cool air.

If you system is constantly having to be repaired, it might be time to have it replaced. Systems should be serviced at least once a year by a service for Air Conditioning Repair Wichita has available. However, if technicians are making frequent trips to your home, you should work on investing in a newer system. Investing in a newer system will likely free you of unnecessary repair costs.

For more information, visit Cook’s Heating & Air Conditioning Inc.

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