Accidents happen; people get sick or are sidelined by some malady or another. All of these things can take you away from your job and your income, and are far more common than you might think.
Currently, about 12 percent of the US workforce is classified as disabled. The chances of you becoming a statistic are greater than you think. A 20-year-old worker has a 25 percent chance of suffering from a disabling condition before he or she retires.
Many people have disability insurance provided by their employer. As good as it might be, eventually it will run out. At that time, the disabled individual turns to Social Security for help. Eligibility requirements are strict; meeting the criteria is not a “walk in the park.” About two-thirds of all claims are denied. You can improve your chances considerably by hiring an attorney who knows the rules and is armed with compelling information to make your case.
- Work Credits You must have earned enough work credits to qualify for Social Security disability benefits. The more consistent you have been in employment, and the older you are improves your chances of being approved. The SSA subjects you to a recent work test and duration of work test. The SSA also considers your income; the amount currently stands at $1,180 per month or $1,970 a month if you are blind.
- The Disability Must Be Severe Your disability must interfere with your ability to work, and it must have lasted for at least one year or is expected to last that long. Disabilities expected to last less than a year do not meet the criteria.
- You Must Be Unable to Work The SSA will determine if your disability is severe enough to stop you from doing your current job or any other job. This determination is made based on your age, educational attainments, work experience, and transferable skills you may have.
If you believe you qualify for Social Security, you should consider hiring a knowledgeable attorney in Missouri to help you with what can be a difficult claims process.
To learn more about Social Security disability, and whether you qualify for benefits, contact Grundy Disability Group in Missouri. Visit them at and get the benefits you deserve. Follow us on google+.