Sings it’s Time to Replace Wood Shingles in Denver, CO

by | Aug 9, 2019 | Home Improvement

While it’s true that wood shingles have a well-deserved reputation for longevity, no roofing material can last forever. With proper maintenance, Wood Shingles in Denver CO should last at least 30 years, but eventually, they’ll degrade and leave the roof prone to leaks. Read on to find out how to tell when it’s time to replace them.

Curled Shingles

Wood shingles are supposed to lie flat against the roof. As the shingles weather, their corners will begin to curl upward in a process known as cupping. One or two curled shingles are unlikely to cause significant trouble but, if several of the shingles are cupping, a homeowner should assume that it’s time to have the roof replaced.

Sharp Splits

It’s normal for wood shingles to develop shallow cracks over time. As long as they don’t extend all the way through the shingles, the cracks won’t interfere with the roof’s performance. However, if the shingles are developing cracks that go all the way through the roof, it’s a good reason for concern.

These cracks, often referred to as splits, can happen for two reasons. The first is age, and the second is a severe impact. Although wood shingles can withstand a good deal of inclement weather, they may sustain hail damage during serious storms, and this can lead to splitting.

Rotting Edges

Homes that have a lot of shade trees growing nearby are prone to moisture problems. This can cause mold, lichen, moss, and microorganisms to grow on Wood Shingles in Denver CO. Don’t assume that a little moss means the entire roof needs to be replaced, but look for signs of rot since moisture can also contribute to this more serious problem.

Once the shingles on a home begin to rot, the rot spreads quickly. If it’s caught early, homeowners can have only the affected sections of their roofs replaced, but if the damage spreads, the entire roof will need new shingles.

Get Help Now

The best way to avoid serious roof damage is to have wood shingle roofs professionally inspected at least once a year. If the roofing contractor believes that the roof is nearing the end of its functional lifespan, have it replaced sooner rather than later. Visit to learn about one company that can help. You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!

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