As a parent, you will face many unique challenges. The older a child gets, the harder they may be to handle. In some cases, a child’s bad or erratic behavior will be caused by deep seated problems. Dealing with a child who has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be extremely difficult. Getting a neuropsychological evaluation when you suspect your child has this condition is wise. The neuropsychological professionals will be able to give you the answers you so desperately seek. The following are some of the signs you may notice if your child has ADHD.
Fails to Empathize With Others
During the neuropsychological evaluation, professionals will ask you whether or not your child has exhibited self-focused behavior. Many children who have ADHD will fail to recognize the needs and desires of others around them.This type of behavior will usually lead to them getting in trouble at school for not sharing or even talking out of turn.
Emotional Outbursts are Common
If your child starts to have emotional outbursts for seemingly no reason, then ADHD may be the cause. Younger children with this condition may throw temper tantrums that last for a while when not getting their way. Be sure to tell the neuropsychological evaluation professionals about this behavior so they can better diagnose your child.
Problems Completing Tasks
Another common problem you will probably notice when your child is struggling with ADHD is their inability to complete tasks. Often times, a child with ADHD will get halfway through a task and then switch their focus to other things. By going in for a neuropsychological evaluation, you will be able to find out what type of treatments are the best fit for your child’s needs. With the right treatment, you will see a big difference in the way your child acts and in how they respond to others.
Contact Dr. Joshua Shifrin via his website or by calling him at 123-966-0309 to schedule an ADHD evaluation for your child. After the evaluation, Dr. Shifrin will be able to discuss treatment options with you. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.