Signs your Child has Behavioral Issues

by | Mar 18, 2014 | Health & Fitness

It can be trying being a parent. Children can be demanding, but most of the time you spend with your child should be full of joy and fun. If you are finding more and more of your time is frustrating and difficult there may be behavioral issues that need to be addressed. Here are some classic signs your child might have behavioral issues.

* Temper Tantrums: Most children will throw a temper tantrum every once in a while. You have probably heard the term the “terrible twos” which is so named as toddlers start coming into their own at this age and often will try to impose their own will in many situations. However if your child continues to throw tantrums and they seem to be getting more angry and more violent you might want to consider the Child Counseling Norman OK parents seek to be safe.

* Excitability/Overactivity: This is an odd term to some, as children get excited and it is usually a happy experience. However, the term excitable also refers to a more agitated state. If your child experiences moments where they are so excited it is hard for them to calm down and you have difficulty controlling them during these moments they may have behavioral issues. Constant, frenzied talking, restlessness, not following instructions or disobedience are signs of overactivity.

* Naughty Behavior: The term naughty really refers to a mild and common disobedience all children undergo from time to time. It can be something of a mischievous nature such as scribbling on an importance piece of paper but can also be defiance or disobedience. If you find your child is misbehaving, is disobedient more often than not and also is defiant when you ask them to stop they can have a number of disorders that can be assessed with the counseling Norman OK parents seek for confrontational children. Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder are just two examples of conditions that cause disobedience beyond the norm.

It is not uncommon for some parents to be in denial and view their child’s behaviour as “normal”. However, if your child displays one, two or all of these signs it is best to arrange for the counseling Norman OK parents seek.

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