Signs You Need an Emergency Dentist in Panama City Beach, FL

by | Feb 1, 2017 | Dentist

Dental emergencies can be incredibly expensive and incredibly uncomfortable. Oftentimes, people who have a fear of the dentist think about different types of dental emergencies as reasons they do not want to go to the dentist. Paradoxically, going to the dentist regularly actually reduces the need for the kinds of invasive procedures that are typical of emergencies. However, there are some signs that an emergency is occurring, or pending. If you know what to look for, you can choose to go to an emergency dentist only when it’s absolutely necessary.

Sustained Tooth Pain

You can develop tooth pain for a lot of different reasons. Tooth pain alone does not mean you need an emergency dentist in Panama City Beach, FL. However, if you begin to find that your tooth pain does not go away, you might have an emergency. Tooth pain can be the result of damage to the nerves of the tooth, or to the gums. If you have sustained pain, or if you have pain that gets worse, you should seek a dentist. A Panama City Beach emergency dentist can help you soothe your tooth pain and teach you to avoid it in the future.


Tooth pain is slightly different than tenderness. A tenderness in your teeth tends to ebb and flow. For example, if you bite into something and feel new tooth pain, then you might need an emergency dentist. A dentist could diagnose the cause of your tooth tenderness and help to reduce it. That could mean you have some kind of physical damage, or even an allergy.

The basis of the situation is that if you have sustained discomfort, you might need a dentist. The sustained discomfort could be the result of your habits, or some kind of affliction. You’ll need to deal with that before it grows into a bigger problem.

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