Property owners in cities and towns are faced with an increase in the presence of wildlife in their homes, warehouses, and businesses. The problem is growing because more and more natural habitat is being destroyed to provide new homes and apartment buildings. The animals go where food and shelter are abundant. Between litter in public areas, berries on bushes and trees, vegetables in gardens, and trash bins everywhere, cities are attracting wildlife.
Entry Points
It is important to be familiar with entry points for common nuisance animals. Squirrels and bats, for example, can enter through small spaces and chimneys. They will typically cause damage in attics and walls. Burrowing animals, such as skunks, will search for habitat along foundations, under porches and decks, or near fences. They will dig deep and burrow underground. Skunks are social animals and tend to live together in large numbers. Complete skunk removal in Columbus OH may take many traps.
Immediate Action
To minimize health and structural damages, it is wise to contact an experienced wildlife control company as soon as possible. Since most urban property owners are not accustomed to looking for signs of wildlife intrusion, damage may already be extensive. There is no time to lose once wildlife is suspected to be living in the building or around buildings. Compare companies regarding pricing, methods, experience, and qualifications.
Selecting the Right Company
Seek out a company that favors humane methods for Skunk removal in Columbus OH. Trapped skunks that are healthy can be relocated if there is adequate habitat away from the city. Ohio laws determine under which circumstances wildlife must be subject to euthanasia and in those cases, animals are disposed of properly. All staff is highly trained in most companies, but few have nationally certified animal control professionals.
Go online to know more about our company, the fee structure, and the full range of services offered. In addition to removal services, repairs are offered after an inspection to identify damage. Exclusion measures are recommended as well to prevent future occurrences. These services are warrantied for one-year. Discover how to have wildlife removed safely and effectively before costly damages ruin the property.