Shoulder Pain Treatments in Tucson, AZ

by | Jul 3, 2024 | Pain Control Clinic

Studies show that shoulder injuries are on the rise. If you experience shoulder pain, you will quickly learn just how debilitating the pain can be. If the pain remains persistent, you have options to alleviate the pain and restore full mobility to your shoulder. Learn more about shoulder pain treatment in Tucson, AZ.


Most doctors start treatment with pain medication. The pain medication will treat the pain but not the cause of the pain, meaning it only provides a temporary solution. If the main cause of the pain isn’t treated, you may begin to depend on pain medication to the point of developing a tolerance and potentially an addiction. Therefore, pain medication, especially ones known to cause addiction, should only be used as a temporary solution after an injury or surgery. People with mild chronic pain may opt for medical cannabis as an organic alternative, but alternative pain management solutions may not provide the same results as pain meds.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy involves personalized exercise routines several times a day or week by a professional physical therapist. The therapist will monitor your progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed. The therapist will work with you to push you without leading to an injury.


In severe cases, your doctor may recommend shoulder surgery. There are several different types of surgeries, depending on the condition. You may need a complete shoulder replacement, which will require extensive physical therapy and medication afterward.

If you are interested in shoulder pain options through QC Kinetix, visit QC Kinetix (Orange Grove) for more information. View Testimonials.

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