Every young person desires a bright future. Such desires may require making expenditures based on needs and minimizing wants, saving a portion of your income, and using it to make sound investments. However, financial illiteracy and some life occurrences hinder people from making such plans. Such occurrences may involve being disabled, blind, or having little or no cash to save due to poverty until you are too old to work. In such circumstances, one may need to hire an SSI attorney in Rochester, NY, who will:
Advice on the application process
This lawyer helps you file an application for government-paid benefits or appeal if the grants are denied. The lawyer also helps you know whether you are within the legal boundaries set for the benefits. Some of the legal limits stipulate that one must be either disabled, blind, or above 65 years old, and
* Has limited resources
* Unsustainable or no income
* Applied for the benefits
A child who has a physical disability or has been diagnosed with a mental condition that may last for more than a full year is also eligible. There are other factors that may be considered by your lawyer after a comprehensive analysis of your case. However, one must find the most competent legal representative to help in this process.
Appeal in a court of law
Not all people who apply for a social security benefit get approved. This may be due to inaccurate information, a lack of supportive evidence, or the authority’s failure to fully understand your situation, among other issues. At this point, a lawyer may come in handy to help appeal the decision in a court of law.
Help get the benefits
Due to their legal expertise, lawyers are in a better position to argue in court than you are. Their knowledge of legal jargon enables them to present valuable information and evidence in a witty manner. Therefore, a lawyer may be able to get you the maximum benefits you are entitled to.
If you are looking for an SSI attorney in Rochester, NY, contact Antonowicz Group; they offer professional services and are ready to assist even if you don’t get your benefits. People seeking help can visit them from Rochester, Rome, Buffalo, Utica, and other areas of New York.