Seeing A Veterinarian in Lenexa KS

by | Mar 1, 2018 | Animal Hospitals

When someone acquires a cat as a pet, it is likely they will be concerned about their health and how to care for it properly. Seeing a Veterinarian in Lenexa KS is extremely important after a new pet is introduced to a home. Here are some of the tasks a veterinarian will conduct to help start the cat on the right path toward a healthy life.

The Cat’s Vitals Will Be Evaluated

A veterinarian will do an assessment of the cat’s condition and will do a complete physical. This will include taking blood to rule out any disease, weighing the pet to find out if their size matches their approximate age and visually inspecting their body parts and skin. If the veterinarian has any concerns, they will make recommendations to the pet’s owner regarding future care of the animal.

An Immunization Schedule Will Be Constructed

A cat will require that immunizations are administered to keep them from contracting diseases. This will be done at routine intervals depending on the age and size of the cat. The veterinarian will discuss when to bring the cat back to their practice for an immunization and whether the cat is allowed to eat or drink beforehand.

Spaying Or Neutering Will Be Discussed

If the cat was not spayed or neutered, the veterinarian will discuss this option with the pet’s owner. If the cat is going to be allowed outdoors, it is best to get a procedure done so they cannot reproduce. The procedure can be scheduled after immunizations are current and the cat is evaluated to determine it is in good health.

Diet Recommendations Will Be Made

If a cat is over or underweight, the veterinarian will give recommendations on what type of diet the pet should be eating. Food can be purchased through the veterinarian’s office, or they will let the pet’s owner know of specific food brands that will work well in weight maintenance.

When there is a need to bring a cat to a Veterinarian in Lenexa KS, seeing one with compassion for all animals is a must. Contact Falcon Valley Animal Hospital to find out more today. You can also visit them on Google My Business.

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