Reviewing Requirements With A Child Support Lawyer In New Market

by | Mar 13, 2019 | Law Services

In Maryland, parents must make decisions about child custody or support. During a divorce case, the arrangements are managed through the divorce agreement. If parents can’t agree, a separate child custody hearing is scheduled. Seeking the advice of a child support lawyer in New Market helps parents determine which requirements apply to their case.

What is the Basic Percentage of Child Support?

The current basic percentage for child support is Maryland is 35% of the noncustodial parent’s income. Any additional child receives five percent of the parent’s income in child support. The state doesn’t reduce the percentage unless the couple agrees to a lower value themselves.

Who Receives Child Support?

The custodial parent who has legal and physical custody of the child. Even in shared custody arrangements, the noncustodial parent is required to pay child support. However, a parenting plan where both parents have the child for the same amount of time may require adjustments.

How are Child Support Orders Established?

The child support amount is set up in the divorce agreement or during a separate child custody hearing. Parents who can agree to the terms for child support and custody create their payment structure. The annual income of each parent is evaluated. The only major changes in the support assignments apply when both parties make at least $15,000 each month.

What is Done to Enforce the Court Orders?

Any failure to comply with the court order is reported to the family court. The judge can issue a warrant for the noncustodial parent after payments are delinquent severely. The noncustodial parent could stay in the county jail until the payments are caught up. If the noncustodial parent appears at a hearing, he or she may avoid a jail sentence.

In Maryland, parents are required to create a child custody and support agreement. The arrangements dictate how much is paid to the custodial parent every month. The support could be monitored by the court to ensure timely payments. The state requires a base value of 35% of the noncustodial parent’s annual income. Parents who need answers are encouraged to contact a child support lawyer in New Market or browse our website right now.

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