Retaining One of the Naperville Social Security Disability Lawyers

by | Jul 21, 2023 | Lawyer & Law Firm

When you suffer from a mental health condition like panic disorder or anxiety, you may find it challenging to leave your house and work a regular full-time job. You may be so agoraphobic that even walking out the front door can send you into a full-blown panic attack.

Still, you may need an income with which you pay your bills and afford necessities like groceries. You can find out what mental health conditions may qualify you for disability benefits at

What Mental Disorders Are Covered By Social Security? You can also find out if you have a case to pursue by retaining one of the Naperville Social Security disability lawyers.

Making Your Case

When you experience a debilitating mental health disorder like anxiety, you might look outwardly fine. You do not have any missing limbs or any signs of illness. Other people around you may not understand why you cannot work a regular full-time job.

However, when you entrust your case to an experienced attorney, you can make a case to convince a judge to decide in your favor. Your lawyer can present evidence like your mental health records to the court. Your legal team can also make sure the court understands how debilitating your symptoms are and how difficult everyday life can be for you.

Learn more about mental health conditions that might quality for benefits. You can also contact Naperville Social Security disability lawyers online.

Reach out to Harold W. Conick & Associates, Ltd. today.

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