Restoration Companies Assist Homeowners With Sewer Backup Water Damage in Colorado Springs

by | Dec 19, 2017 | Water Damage

A sewer backup that occurs when the washing machine is draining sometimes is not a severe problem. If only that water comes up the basement drain or into the shower, it may be fairly clean. However, if the backup draws up other muck from further in the line, bacteria issues must be considered. The same is true when a flushing toilet causes a backup. Restoration companies that tackle water damage in Colorado Springs help homeowners deal with the mess.

Small Backups

If the amount of water that backed up is small and only affected dry flooring, the household residents probably can deal with the situation on their own. They’ll need a plumber to resolve the cause of the blockage or backups will continue to occur. After the problem is fixed, the residents can sweep any remaining water into the drain and bleach the area around the floor drain or shower drain.

Larger Problems

Sometimes, however, the amount of water that backs up is quite large. That’s normally the case when a washing machine is discharging water from a full load and spraying rinse water in the tub at the same time. Water Damage in Colorado Springs in a basement or upstairs laundry room can be extensive, especially if nobody is home when the incident occurs to tackle the problem immediately.

Sanitizing vs. Disposing of Contaminated Items

When contaminated with sewage, many items must be thrown out unless they cannot be sanitized thoroughly. Paper items are prime examples. Stuffed toys, pillows and similar objects may be impossible to disinfect in a washing machine or by hand washing. Carpeting should be torn up and discarded. Fabric items that can be cleaned in a washing machine should have bleach added to the load. Anything that is left in a contaminated state can cause disease.

Emergency Service

A sewer backup that has contaminated a relatively large area should be considered an emergency. Restoration companies normally provide 24-hour service and fast response times. After assistance from a plumber and workers with a company such as Black Label Restoration and Cleaning, the household residents can get back to their normal lives.

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