Resolve Emergencies with a 24-Hour Electrical Service in Newnan, GA

by | Dec 20, 2023 | Electricians

One of the most complicated components of any home is the electrical system. It takes a skilled specialist to run electrical wire throughout a home or commercial building, and there is not much room for error.

Should something go wrong at an inopportune time, a 24-hour electrical service in Newnan GA, can be a difference-maker. There are a few key signs that can tell you that it’s time to make the call.

Lightbulbs Burn Out Regularly

Lightbulbs are meant to last for a long time. Depending on what kind of lightbulb, it could be years before it needs to be changed. If you notice that lightbulbs are burning out a lot more frequently than normal, it is a sign that something needs to be checked out.
A 24-hour electrical service in Newnan, GA, can get to the bottom of the issue in no time. An electrician has the knowledge and expertise to identify the problem and provide a resolution before things turn dangerous.

Black or Brown Marks Around Outlets

Finding dark, usually black or brown, marks near your outlets is never a good thing. It is a clear signal that the circuit is very hot and could potentially be overloaded. The first thing to do is call a 24-hour electrical service in Newnan, GA. Experts will safely get to the bottom of the issue and provide a repair that removes the inherent danger of a hot, potentially burning outlet.

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