Removable or Full Dentures: What Your Dentist for Dentures in Honolulu Can Do

by | May 13, 2015 | Dentist

Having beautiful teeth is important for health and aesthetics. A set of dentures or a dental implant can repair your smile but, when faced with many possibilities, it is sometimes difficult to make the right choice. Removable dentures are effective, but they have their drawbacks just like any other medical technique. There are two kinds of removable dentures: partial and complete, and this article will discuss both of these and how a Dentist for Dentures in Honolulu can help.

Advantages of partial removable dentures

Economic: to replace one or more teeth, this type of dental appliance is much cheaper than a fixed dental prosthesis (crown or bridge).

Stable: with its hooks, this dental unit fits perfectly in the mouth.

Longevity: A major benefit of this type is that it can accommodate new false teeth without losses in the future.

Cleaning: This is a very easy type of denture to clean.

Drawbacks of having removable dentures

• This style of denture requires the user to clean it after every meal.

• It is not always possible for the dentist to cover the metal, which means a lack of aesthetics.
A full removable denture is indicated in cases of total absence of teeth. It is carried out with a resin base and the false teeth are made of resin or porcelain. The top of the device holds up well while the lower unit is much less stable. To remedy this problem, the Dentist for Dentures in Honolulu may suggest putting in two dental implants, which will set the unit. Stability will be perfect.

Advantages of the full removable denture

• It is inexpensive when you consider that it replaces all missing teeth.

• Its implementation is relatively simple, the patient can regain chewing function quickly.

Disadvantages of a complete denture

• Lack of stability: the bottom unit is difficult to hold, which may mean you need two implants.
• You must take it out after every meal and clean it thoroughly.

A metal base (chromium alloy / cobalt or titanium) is what makes up some partial dentures. It fits on existing teeth with the help of hooks and the metal part of the prosthesis is treated anti-corrosive properties. The metal base hugs the palate. Contact your local dentist for dentures in Honolulu for more info.

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