You may not realize it, but the mosquitoes in Atlanta are among the most dangerous insects in the world. This makes mosquito treatment in Atlanta, GA, essential for the safety of you and your family.
Asian tiger mosquitoes are extremely common in Atlanta and the southern states. Active during the day, Asian tiger mosquitoes are known to spread the Zika virus.
Anopheles mosquitoes are also common across the South and can infect your dog with heartworms. They’re also known to spread malaria to humans. Anopheles mosquitoes swarm at dawn and dusk.
Also active at dawn and dusk are culex mosquitoes. These pests spread the West Nile virus to humans, horses, and other animals. Mosquitoes are not only annoying, but their bites can also spread dangerous diseases.
Pools of standing water, such as stagnant ponds and puddles, are where mosquitoes breed. Standing water on your property must be drained and dried to prevent a mosquito infestation. If this is not possible, you’ll need a professional mosquito treatment in Atlanta, GA. This can include releasing larvicides into the water to kill the mosquito larvae. It can also include aerosol sprays.
Things you can do to mitigate mosquitoes keep your window and door screens closed and burn citronella candles during outdoor events, like barbecues. Wearing essential oils like peppermint, lemongrass, and rosemary also repels insects. Finally, lining your patio with plants like marigold, lavender, rosemary, basil, and ornamental citronella grass can also help.
For professional mosquito treatment in Atlanta, GA, contact Pestban Inc today.