The cost of a car accident can vary dramatically. Even a small fender bender can be a very expensive matter if you have the misfortune to hit a car that costs a lot of money to repair. If things happen at the worst possible angle or time, it can make things even worse and lead to a bill that is absolutely astronomical, even before you consider the cost of the care the people involved may need to restore them to health. Everyone who drives needs to have good car insurance CT to protect them from the possibility that an innocent mistake could turn into a complete financial disaster.
No matter how carefully you may think you drive, there is always a chance that something will go wrong one day. When you’re moving at high speed, all it takes to create a serious problem is a single moment of inattention. Maybe you’ll be distracted by something in the car, briefly blinded by the sun, or have your eyes drawn by a sudden motion at the side of the road. No matter what the reason, even a very careful driver can find himself or herself to suddenly be the reason that a major car accident has occurred.
If you’re being realistic about it, there’s very little chance that you’ll be able to afford the cost of a major accident. You could end up being liable for the destruction of one or more cars belonging to other people in addition to whatever damage you may have done to your own. If people are injured and require surgery and a stay in the hospital, the costs will add up very quickly and the burden of trying to pay for it all could leave you financially crippled for many years to come.
Having car insurance CT is simply part of being a responsible driver. You should make sure, though, that you aren’t just buying the cheapest policy that you can possibly get. You need one that supplies enough coverage so that you feel confident that you won’t be left with a significant bill if something bad should happen. Rice, Davis, Daley & Krenz Inc. represent Connecticut’s finest insurance companies and offer insurance solutions that meet your needs.