Professionals Help Homeowners Select and Install the Right Garage Door Openers Replacement in Fort Myers

by | Apr 11, 2015 | Garage Doors

Garage door openers work well for so long that homeowners can take them for granted. However, when they start to hear a squealing sound or any other strange noise, they should start to consider buying Garage Door Openers Replacement Fort Myers. This is not a job for a do-it-yourself homeowner. They should hire a company that sells high-quality garage door openers and have a licensed technician install it. Garage door openers are heavy pieces of equipment that work under large amounts of pressure. If they are installed improperly, they can come unhinged when they are being used. This can cause them fall on someone, or a belt can fly across the room.

In addition to installing the garage door, the technician can help the homeowner select the correct model. There are three kinds of Garage Door Openers Replacement Fort Myers that a homeowner has to consider. A belt drive makes less noise than other types of garage door openers. It is a good choice if the garage door is near a bedroom. A chain drive is the strongest type of garage door opener. Because of this power, it does make more noise than the other types. A screw drive opener easily opens doors that tilt instead of rolling up to the garage door ceiling. It is also very durable. The technician will consider the height, width and weight of the door. It’s also important to not whether it is a roll-up door or door that tilts. To know more click here.

The power level of the Garage Door Openers Replacement Fort Myers is also an important factor to consider. This is measured in horsepower and varies from a low of .5 to a maximum of 1 for a residential unit. An opener will require about. 5 horsepower to lift a standard 22-foot garage door. The more power the garage door opener has, the faster the door opens. The typical opener pulls a door up at 7 inches a second. Those with about 1 horsepower will double the speed.

Garage Doors By Roy North Inc. is one of the companies in Fort Myers that can help a homeowner select and install garage door openers. They carry high-quality LiftMaster and Guardian garage door openers.

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