Have you ever had a problem with your feet? If you have, then you know how much of a toll it took on your ability to perform daily activities. Even if it was not an issue that prevented you from moving around, it was probably painful and uncomfortable. It may have even caused you some embarrassment, if it was an unattractive foot issue, such a thickened or fungi-filled toenail, a wart, or a bunion. The good news is that there is an entire branch of medicine and surgery dedicated to treating conditions of the feet and ankles. It is called podiatry and it can literally get you back on your feet again.
A Brief History of Podiatry
The use of podiatry can be traced back to ancient Egypt, as can be seen from paintings and carvings that show people’s feet being worked on by physicians. The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, described the need to remove hardened skin from the feet and he even invented a tool specifically for this purpose, thus helping reduce corns and calluses. Although podiatry did not become widely known until after 1895, several leaders throughout history had their own podiatrists-then known as chiropodists-. Some of them were Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon and several kings of France. Today, it is a very important part of the medical world and people go to podiatrists to help correct all sorts of foot conditions.
What Can Podiatry Help With?
The feet are very important parts of the body and their condition can often say a lot about the health condition of the rest of the body. For example, there have been several cases in which a person’s podiatrist was the first to diagnose him or her with diabetes or other health issues. Podiatry is a very large branch of medicine because of the variety of conditions that feet can develop.
Podiatrists can treat and reposition broken bones, perform surgery and amputations, do x-rays and MRIs, and perform reconstructive surgeries and microsurgeries. If you have suffered a sports related injury, they can treat it. They are also qualified to prescribe medications, various correcting devices such as casts, prosthetics and insoles, as well as administering anesthetics and ordering or performing physical therapy.
Are you interested in finding out more about how podiatry can help you? Visit our website at suburbanortho.com. You can also follow them on Twitter for more updates!