A physical therapist is a professional trained to evaluate and treat atypical physical function and mobility. The functional impairment may be the result of injury, disease, or disability. A PT helps care for patients through all phases of healing. Their work starts with the initial diagnosis, through the therapeutic and preventative stages. Physical rehab in Englewood may be standalone therapy; it may also support other treatments. Many patients seek the services of physical therapists themselves. Their physician refers others to a PT.
Regardless of how a person comes to a physical therapist, they can expect the same approach. The therapist will first give the patient a physical examination and evaluation. The examination may include tests that evaluate posture, range of movement, and flexibility of joints. The PT will give his or her diagnosis, prognosis, as well as short and long-range care goals. In many cases, treatment and intervention that is done in the office of Total Therapy Florida can be augmented at home with defined exercises all designed to help them function better. There are many benefits to physical therapy, including pain management, improved mobility, recovery from injury, and management of age-related issues such as balance.
Orthopedic physical therapy treats injuries involving muscles, joints, and bones. Orthopedic PT is most suitable for conditions such as fractures, strains and sprains, bursitis, and tendonitis. Upon the completion of an orthopedic surgical intervention, patients usually are referred to the PT during the rehab and recovery period. Physical therapists work with the elderly, people who develop conditions affecting their mobility, balance, and physical abilities. These conditions include arthritis, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as incontinence. Intervention of this type aims to restore mobility, increase the level of physical fitness, and manage pain. Although there is a tendency to feel anxious about seeing a physical therapist, patients feel completely at ease once they begin working towards their rehab goals.