Pest control professionals know all too well how pests can invade living spaces and pantries. That is why it is important to arrange an inspection if you believe you have any type of infestation in your home. One of the areas that is often addressed is the kitchen pantry.
Getting Rid of Pantry Pests
Therefore, pest control in Mesa extends to protecting foods from such pests as mites, meal worms, and weevils. These types of pests typically travel home with such food items as flour, beans, rice, cookies, dried food, potato chips, pasta, baking chocolate, or cereals.
Once these types of pests alight in your home, they move on to other food products. Therefore, pest control can be a challenge in this regard. Not only do the pests spread feces and insect parts, they can also cause the growth of mold or food spoilage. Pests of this type also often take up residence in dried flowers or potpourri.
The Removal Process
So, when you contact a company like Alliance Pest Management, a technician will conduct a thorough inspection to assess the extent of the infestation. He or she will then vacuum the pantry or cabinets with an industrial type of vacuum – one that includes an HEPA filter. In addition to vacuuming the area of the infestation, the technician will also treat the crevices and cracks and seal any gaps between the pantry walls and shelving. Monitoring stations are typically installed as well.
In order to prevent this type of infestation, pest control specialists recommend that food be sealed in heavy plastic containers or glass jars. That means you should not store food in open packaging. At the very minimum, food items such as pancake mixes should be placed in a zip-lock bag. The plastic bag should then be placed into a tin. Whenever you open a box, shake a little bit of the product on a white paper towel and check the inside of the box. Click here for more info about pest control in Mesa.
If you find pests, discard the insects as soon as possible by placing them in a garbage bag and placing the bag outside in the trash. Clean the area by vacuuming the site and follow that up by scrubbing it with hot, soapy water. Check other food items as well.