Methods Used by Jazz Singer Sylvia Brooks to Strengthen Her Voice

by | Aug 30, 2017 | Arts And Entertainment

Most newcomers to the world of music fail to realize just how much hard work goes into maintaining their voice. Singers like Sylvia Brooks spend a number of hours each day practicing their craft. Failing to protect your singing voice can cause a variety of problems. The last thing you want is to damage your vocal cords due to a lack of care. When trying to improve your singing voice, you should think about the following suggestions.

Your Voice Needs the Proper Amount of Rest

The biggest mistake you can make as a singer is failing to give your voice the proper rest is deserves. Continuously singing without a break is a surefire way to damage your vocal cords. Singers like Sylvia Brooks understand their instrument needs to be well-rested in order to perform at the highest levels.

The day before a big performance, avoid speaking or singing very much. While this may be challenging, it will be worth it. You should also think about drinking hot tea with honey and lemon regularly. This will allow you to keep your throat properly lubricated.

Vocal Warm Up Are Your Friend

Working with a vocal coach is ideal when trying to learn how to keep your voice strong. One of the most recommended methods of strengthening a singing voice is vocal exercises. These pre-recorded exercises allow you to work all parts of your vocal cords.

The longer you do these exercises, the stronger your voice and your range will become. Reaching the vocal control and power artists like Sylvia Brooks have will require a lot of hard work. Getting guidance from vocal coaches is important and can help you avoid injuries.
The work you put into keeping your voice strong will pay off when you are able to sing your heart out during performances.

Find out more about Sylvia Brooks and her recordings by visiting her website. You can also call her management at 310-968-9070 to find out about how to book her for an event.

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