Every single person has at least one mole and almost all have a number of them. The growths are usually harmless and frequently ignored when hidden behind clothing or in less conspicuous areas. The problems arise when moles begin to grow, change shape or are in an obvious place. Mole Removal in Chevy Chase MD can be for either aesthetic reasons or due to health concerns. Here is what everyone should know about moles.
Changes in Moles
A mole that fades in color or changes in size over time does not necessarily indicate a problem. In fact, all moles gradually change in shape, color and size as people age. People should worry when a mole rapidly grows larger, becomes asymmetrical or is no longer a single consistent color. Bleeding or pain around the mole is also a potential sign of a problem that requires a medical exam.
Removal at Home
Mole Removal in Chevy Chase MD is a medical procedure. At-home removal of a mole could lead to complications. Excessive bleeding, infection and scarring are all possible when a non-professional cuts off a mole. Over-the-counter cream and other products designed to take away the skin growths do not usually work. Another concern is that a removed mole could be cancerous, and removal may take away the sign a doctor needs for an early diagnosis.
Reasons for Removal
Many people live comfortably with their moles, but removal is simple if one becomes too large and is causing discomfort. People with moles on their face, neck or other exposed skin can feel more confident with their appearance with the mole removed. One of the most common reasons people choose removal is because of the concern for cancer. Removal makes it easy to perform a biopsy and may even eliminate the need for further treatment if the tests detect cancer.
Moles do not need to be a specific size or a health concern for someone to choose removal. The procedure is fast, simple and has few risks when done professionally.