Machine Guarding: Essential To Workplace Safety

by | Mar 14, 2017 | Metal Fabrication

Every year, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) fines companies for failure to comply with workplace safety requirements. In cities such as Cleveland, Ohio, the agency has cited companies for failure to provide machine guarding. With more than 2.5 million Americans working in large metal manufacturing and/or small fabrication shops, the risk for injury and even death is high when employers and employees ignore machine guard legislation. OSHA statistics indicate approximately 800 people annually die, while around 18,000 suffer from abrasions amputations, crushing injuries and lacerations.

Protecting Employees

In order for machine guarding devices to be effective, it is essential all employees understand the basics. Terminology all need familiarity with are:

  • Point of operation: Where the machine performs
  • Power apparatus: The power source capable of generating the energy to do the work
  • Power transmission apparatus: These devices transport the power from its source to the point of operation

These areas require machine guards. Each employee must be able to understand what each guarding device looks like.

Machine Guarding Requirements

The OSHA provides minimum requirements for providing machine guards for plants and shops in Cleveland and other cities across the nation in OSHA 3067. All such devices must:

  1. Prevent contact: This refers to all body parts
  2. Cannot remove or circumvent easily
  3. Guards must provide protection from dropping items
  4. A guard must itself not be or provide an additional hazard
  5. Must not produce interference with the work being performed
  6. Be conducive to safe maintenance and fine-tuning

Machine Guarding: Essential in Metal Working

Whether you own a large metal working facility in Wisconsin or operate a small Cleveland OH machine shop, it is important to understand the need for protecting yourself from machinery. By installing machine guarding systems, companies are lowering the risk of their employees suffering from debilitating injuries or even dying. Make sure all employees have a safe workplace – install machine guards.

The Must List

