Low Back Pain In Ferguson Can Be Relieved Without Medication

by | Mar 22, 2018 | Chiropractic

If you suffer from low back pain, taking muscle relaxers, pain medication, or over-the-counter medications only masks the pain and won’t fix the problem. The body has a natural ability to heal itself. With the help of a chiropractor, an individual can obtain relief from Low Back Pain in Ferguson without any type of drugs.

Pain in the lower back can be caused by an accident, injury, genetics, or age. The sensation of pain an individual feels is their body’s way of letting them know that something isn’t right. A chiropractor will use manual adjustments, decompression, and other methods to increase blood flow and heal the area.


Alignment of the spine is the main reason an individual is having pain in their lower back. Vertebrae that are out of alignment can cause a disc to bulge or herniate and cause irritation of a nerve. The muscles surrounding the area will get stiff and spasm, causing the lower back pain.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Although this term might sound frightening, an individual will not be shocked by electricity. Electrical muscle stimulation helps the body’s healing process, treats soft tissue injuries or muscle spasms, reduces swelling, releases trigger points, and releases endorphins that help with the body’s natural relief of pain.


Decompression is another great way to reduce Low Back Pain in Ferguson. This type of treatment gently separates the vertebrae in the back and provides relief to the discs that provide a cushion for the vertebrae. Separating the vertebrae helps to hydrate the discs and reduce the strain on the back.

When the strain on the muscles is reduced, blood flow is restored to the damaged area, swelling is decreased, and lower back pain will be reduced. Chiropractic treatments do not require the use of any medication and will help to heal the area.

When lower back pain is ruining your life and affecting your sleep, visiting a chiropractor will definitely help. Regular chiropractic treatment will improve your health, how you sleep, and so much more. For more information about chiropractic services in your area, please feel free to Visit Website.

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