Looking At Solutions For Sleep Apnea

by | May 17, 2019 | Healthcare

Snoring and issues with breathing can make it difficult to sleep at night. When you don’t get the sleep that you need at night, then other health issues can begin to present themselves over time, such as depression or a lack of coordination and focus during the day. Fortunately, there you can visit a sleep apnea treatment Surrey office to learn more about ways that you can get on a better sleep schedule and ways that you can improve your breathing at night.

A common treatment for sleep apnea is a positive airway device. The device is worn at night while you’re sleeping and will supply the proper flow of air through your respiratory system. The air can be introduced continuously if the condition is severe or intermittently if you only have occasional issues. A mask is usually placed over your nose and mouth while you’re asleep. A machine is then turned on that will supply the air needed. It can be set on a timer to turn on and off as needed or can be set to run all night.

There are appliances that you can put in your mouth at night to help with sleep apnea. When you meet with a sleep apnea treatment Surrey office, you will usually be fitted with the proper appliance that will help to keep your airway open. This is often an option if you don’t have a severe issue and if you only need treatment for a short time. An oral appliance is usually a bit more comfortable to wear than a mask because it’s not on your face. However, a mask provides the air needed throughout the night where an appliance only helps to keep your airway open. An oral appliance can be transported to other locations easier than a machine.

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