Litigating A Case Involving An Uninsured Motorist With Your Car Accident Lawyer In Auburn

by | Feb 3, 2014 | Personal Injury

A Car Accident Lawyer Auburn helps victims file a claim in court to seek monetary damages. In the litigation process, an attorney prepares the case based on the circumstances that led to the accident and the injuries that were sustained. Automobile damage is included in the claim and an estimate for repairs is attached. The overall value of the medical costs for the victim along with property repair costs are calculated to determine the settlement amount needed by this victim. If you were the victim in a car accident and you require these services contact A. Robert Thomson Law Offices today.

Uninsured Motorists

When you are involved in an accident in which an uninsured motorist is at fault it is necessary to file a claim to acquire compensation. This compensation provides you with the funds you need to cover the costs of medical treatment and automobile repair expenses. If your injuries are extensive, this may present higher medical costs in which this uninsured driver is response for paying.

Local Accident Lawyer

A. Robert E. Thomson Law Offices present you with a claim that is conducive to you acquiring a settlement after sustaining injuries in a car accident. This attorney gathers evidence associated with your medical costs and automobile repair expenses to arrive at a fair settlement. He will prepare your claim and include these vital details that are needed to present an effective case to the judge. This attorney helps you through this process by offering guidance and providing updates as they are available. To hire A. Robert E. Thomas to represent you in an accident claim


When you are injured in a car accident it is necessary for you to file a claim in court when the responsible party refuses to pay for your medical and auto repairs. After an accident, the driver who is ruled at fault is supposed to file a claim with their automobile insurance provider to acquire funds to cover these expenditures. However, with uninsured drivers this is not a possibility and it is necessary at this juncture to file a personal injury claim to fight for compensation.

The Must List

