Lawyers in Kyle, TX, Explain Who Gets the Dog in a Divorce

by | Jun 4, 2024 | Lawyer

Animals offer great emotional support during tough times, but they’re also the cause of strife when two people decide to divorce. Divorce attorneys in Kyle, TX, can help determine if the dog is yours during a divorce.

Legally Not Family

While you may consider Spot and Mr. Fluffy beloved parts of your family, the legal system does not. Although many people treat their pets like children, treating them that way in the courts would put far too much strain on the judicial system. Pets are often considered personal property, meaning the court will have to decide who the animal rightfully belongs to during your divorce.

Rightful Ownership

According to divorce lawyers in Kyle, TX, these are the things the court will look at when determining ownership of an animal:

  • Who found and obtained the pet
  • If one party has entered into a contract pertaining to the animal
  • Whose information is on the microchip
  • Who can properly care for the animal

Additionally, since a pet is considered property, the value of the pet will be considered when splitting other assets. It can be difficult, but you should be upfront with your lawyers in Kyle, TX, about the details regarding your pet. They’ll be able to set realistic expectations so you aren’t caught off guard during the divorce proceedings.

An Example

Jack and Jill are divorcing, and both want their dog, Lucy. Lucy came from a breeder and cost the couple $1,000. It was Jill who researched the breed, interviewed with the breeder, and entered into a contract with the breeder that they would bring Lucy back in case Jack and Jill needed to rehome her. The court will most likely rule that Lucy belongs to Jill. They’ll also assign Lucy’s value as being her purchase price of $1,000, which impacts how Jack and Jill’s property is divided during the divorce.

Contact the Key Law office for lawyers in Kyle, TX, who can help you keep your furry friend by your side during your divorce.

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