Interesting Facts That Can Be Learned About Identical Twins at a Dental Office in Kona

by | Oct 9, 2017 | Dentistry

A Dental Office in Kona that provides care for people of all ages is likely to have some patients who are identical twins. Their parents might start bringing the kids in for appointments on the same day for the sake of convenience-;a habit that may continue for years. The staff members may find it fascinating to see how alike these youngsters are while not having identical teeth.

Not Alike in Every Way

People generally understand that identical twins do not look exactly alike in every way. They came from the same egg, but their genes are not identical. They have different fingerprints. One may have a tiny birthmark while the other does not. Yet it can be surprising to learn that their teeth grow in at different speeds and in a different order.

Bite Impression Differences

As with fingerprints, impressions of the bite made at a Dental Office in Kona are similar but different for each twin. If a criminal legal issue ever occurred and one twin was trying to pretend to be the other one, fingerprints and bite impressions would make that impossible. Some of this is due to inherent differences in the teeth and others to behaviors. One twin may suck her thumb through kindergarten age while the other does not, for example.

Environment and Behavior

Differences in environment and behavior start to factor in early on, making the twins seem somewhat less identical as the years go by. That’s true for teeth as well as other physical features. One child may develop a cavity while the other does not. This might happen because one child has a greater liking for sugary beverages or because he or she only pretends to brush her teeth in the morning. One of the kids might have a friend who gives her candy whenever they play together.

A dentist such as Carter S. Yokoyama D.D.S. is ready to assist when one child’s oral hygiene is not as ideal as the other’s. One of the twins may benefit from fluoride treatments or dental sealants while the other may not need them. See visit us website for information on this clinic.

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