When you think of wall coverings, you might think about a layer of paper that goes over a wall. Think bigger, like Las Vegas bigger. Hotels and Casinos are commercial buyers of these wall coverings. It’s not just a surface; it’s a textile graphic that is supposed to catch your eye. Inspiration through exploring other cultures has artistic value that translates into masterpieces. Very few can create this art and then translate it onto canvas which in turns becomes a luxurious wall setting that one won’t forget. Roger Thomas is one of these people. His designs can be found at some of the most prestigious casinos in Las Vegas.
Thomas has been noted many times by architectural magazines and dares to do what is different. Essentially, this form of art sparked with the Bellagio in 1998 and since then it has continued to inspire interior design within luxury hotels. His relationship with Wynn hotels in Las Vegas made such a huge influence in the modern-casino style. This style comes from his architectural interest in The French Baroque, which was an era in the eighteenth century.
Interior Design
Wall coverings may have been Roger Thomas’ initial interest but interior design has flourished throughout the whole medium. Once the wall has an artistic setting, the interior design can have a concept. Furnishing follows, as well as flooring, lighting and other decorative items. His style is seductive yet modern. There is so much detail in his work, that when you put together every item in a room, it is so captivating. His artistic message lies in your surroundings. The very room, lobby, casino, or hotel that you’re standing in, is his work of art. Dually noted for his work in Las Vegas and honorable mentions in magazines he has obtained many awards and an impeccable record of attending educational institutions.
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