Important Questions And Answers About Bed Bugs And Exterminations Services

by | Apr 25, 2016 | Pest Control

Many homeowners call a pest control company because of bed bug infestations. These tiny insects can cause an infestation quickly because they multiply rapidly. Read the questions and answers below to learn more about bed bugs and why you need to contact a professional at Atlas Exterminator Co Inc in Bel Air MD.

Q.) How do individuals get a bed bug infestation in their home?

A.) People get bed bug infestations from visiting locations that are already infested with these pests. This includes hotel rooms, airports, and public transportation. These bugs can get into a person’s luggage, on their clothes, and in other items. When individuals come into their homes with these pests, an infestation begins inside their house. Since these pests are very tiny, it may take awhile before a person realizes the bugs are in their home.

Q.) Can individuals get rid of the bed bugs on their own or should they call a professional service?

A.) The only way to effectively get rid of a bed bug infestation is to call a professional pest control company. Qualified exterminators use the most effective types of treatment to get rid of the pests once and for all. Exterminators also know where to look to find the hiding spots for pests. When individuals try to get rid of the problem on their own, they often make the infestation worse.

Q.) What should a homeowner expect after contacting a pest control company for bed bugs?

A.) When an individual contacts a professional pest control company, a technician will come to the home and inspect the premises for bed bugs. After a thorough inspection, the technician will devise a treatment plan that will effectively take care of the infestation. After discussing the treatment plan and fee, the exterminator can begin the extermination process. Many pest control companies, such as Atlas Exterminator Co Inc in Bel Air MD, also offer a 30-day warranty for their bed bug control services.

Atlas Exterminator Co. Inc. specializes in the removal of various household pests including ants, termites, cockroaches, bed bugs and fleas. If you have a pest problem, contact Sitename for complete pest control solutions in Maryland.

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