How’s the Alternator? Knowing When This Type of Auto Engine Repair in Tempe AZ is Necessary

by | Oct 4, 2019 | Automotive

Alternators play an important role. When they begin to fail, the car is going nowhere until the auto engine repair in Tempe AZ is completed. Fortunately, this type of problem does not arise overnight. There are usually some warning signs that all is not well. By being aware of signs indicating the alternator is about to fail, there’s time to get the car to the shop and have a professional take care of the replacement. Here are some indications to keep in mind.

An Unusual Smell

One thing not everyone realizes is that alternators function using a belt. When a belt is not turning properly, that will create a certain amount of friction. It’s the friction that causes the scent of burning rubber under the hood. A professional who is well versed in Auto Engine Repair in Tempe AZ will be able to determine if the belt needs to be tightened or the pulley needs adjusting. When those issues are not the underlying cause of the problem, the next thing to consider is that the alternator is not long for this world.

Dimming Lights

Lights that grow dim shortly after the engine is turned over is a sign something is wrong. It’s certainly true that the battery or alternator may be the issue. A professional can test the battery and even charge it to see what happens. At the same time, the battery cables can be checked for signs of wear. If the lights still dim after the charge and there is no sign the cables are in need of replacement, it’s time to take a closer look at the alternator.

Grinding or Whining Sounds

Noises under the hood understandably cause drivers to experience some degree of dread. When there appears to be grinding or whining sounds that track back to the alternator, it’s time to arrange for a replacement. There is a good chance the bearings or one of the other moving parts in the alternator are worn. Depending on the extent of the damage, a complete replacement may be the only solution.

If something strange is happening under the hood, don’t waste any time.  In many cases, the problem can be isolated quickly and the repair can proceed without any delay.

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