How You Can Help During A Dental Emergency

by | Jul 21, 2017 | Dentistry

When you encounter a dental emergency such as trauma or a toothache, the problem should certainly not be ignored. Any injury or damage to your teeth is serious and can lead to far worse problems if not taken care of as quickly as possible. Although many dental emergencies will entail a visit to an emergency dentist in Chicago, there are actions you can take in the meantime which can mitigate future problems.

Not every dental issue can be construed as an emergency, there are many times when it is in your best interest to wait until the following day and see your regular dentist. A dull, nagging toothache, a lost filling or a slight chip to a tooth can wait.

This is not always the case; there are times when you absolutely must see an emergency dentist in Chicago. If you have knocked out a permanent tooth or you have an infection that is causing excruciating pain and swelling then an emergency dental appointment is in order.

Handling dental emergencies:

If you experience a serious dental issue on the weekend or after the dental clinic has closed for the day there are a few things you can do.

* Toothache:

Always rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water, if the toothache is accompanied by swelling place an ice pack on your cheek in the area of the pain. If doing these things brings no relief, contact an emergency dentist.

* Knocked out tooth:

If you lose a tooth you must take immediate action; first, hold it by the crown and rinse it under running water. If the tooth will not go back in the socket, put it in milk or yogurt. For the best chance of saving the tooth, see an emergency dentist in Chicago within an hour.

Other potential emergency situations include a tooth abscess, broken arch wire on braces and a loose crown. Do not take a dental emergency lightly; contact an emergency dentist as soon as possible.

If you suffer tooth trauma or a severe toothache, do not hesitate to contact an emergency dentist in Chicago. You are invited to call Chicago Smile Design for an early appointment.

The Must List

