When you think of a lawn service, you probably have a vision of a worker mowing grass and trimming shrubs. Today’s full-service lawn businesses do that and much more. Professionals, such as Earthworks Lawn and Tree, can provide landscaping services. tree care, and installation of patios. When you hire a quality Lawn Service Shreveport LA professionals can help maintain your home by providing:
TREE SERVICE: Beautiful trees add value to your property, and their shade can even help keep energy costs down. However, when trees are storm damaged or diseased, they can become hazards. Lawn and tree professionals will respond quickly when you believe a tree has become a danger. They can check your roof, and remove debris, as well as safely and efficiently remove unstable trees. Experts will brace the branches of large trees, to preserve them and prevent them from falling. Technicians can also remove unwanted trees from areas where you plan to build, or when your property is overgrown. They can trim trees, to keep them away from power lines, or to avoid damaging your home. Technicians can also safely remove tree stumps. They will grind them after removal, and then fill in the indentation that is left.
LAWN SERVICE: When you hire professionals who offer full-service Lawn Service Shreveport LA technicians will keep shrubs, trees, flower beds, and grass neat and beautiful. They can also evaluate your drainage system, and make recommendations that will improve irrigation and drainage. Technicians will make sure your yard remains healthy and pest free. They are usually available on an as-needed basis, or for regularly scheduled care.
HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES: Lawn and tree professionals often provide landscaping services. You can consult with them, to design and install the yard for your new home or renovation. They can design rock landscaping. Professionals will design and install patios and walkways.
Modern lawn services often provide expert tree, landscape, and home improvement services as well. In addition to keeping your property manicured and healthy, they can remove damaged or unwanted trees. These experts can design and install walkways and patios that add curb appeal and value to your home.