How to Mop Your Hardwood Floor in Florida

by | Oct 17, 2016 | Home Improvement

Looking at your hardwood floor in Florida, you might realize it could use a cleaning. Don’t just dump a bucket of water over the floor and start mopping it up. There are certain steps you will need to follow to ensure you get the job done properly and do not destroy the hardwood floor in Miami in the process.

The first thing you should do to get your wood flooring in Miami clean is sweep. The loose dirt and dust on the floor can cause damage if you don’t get it swept up. This could be a job to do on a daily basis, just to ensure it doesn’t get ground into the wood.

Next, consider what type of cleaner to use. There are many options available, and your wood flooring in Miami deserves the best. Most furniture cleaners have oils and waxes in them, so steer clear of those or you’ll end up with a very slippery floor. Abrasive cleaners can scratch and dull your finish. Instead, consult the professionals who installed your hardwood floor in Miami to see what they would recommend. If you’d like, you can always use a gentle dishwashing soap and some warm water.

After you’ve decided on a cleaning solution, fill your bucket and get to work. Remember that water doesn’t mix well with wood, and you don’t want to warp your wood flooring in Miami. When you dip your mop in the bucket, wring it out entirely before setting it on the floor. Sweep the mop the same direction as the grain of the hardwood floor in Florida. When you notice the water in the bucket is dirty, dump it down the tub and start over. Once the entire hardwood floor in Miami is finished, get down on your knees with a warm, damp rag in hand. Go over the floor with the rag to give it a final rinse.

Your hardwood floor in Florida can become damaged if it is not mopped correctly. Following these steps will help to ensure you have a beautiful floor for many years to come.

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