Everyone wants to keep their home free of insects. This can be a difficult task since they are small and not easily seen. Many insects can be a big annoyance and cause an infestation quickly. One such annoyance is Bed Bugs in NYC.
Bed Bugs in NYC are small, oval insects, usually brown or reddish brown in color. The adult is approximately the size of a grain of rice. The babies can be as small as 1.5 millimeters. They do not fly, but can crawl very fast. Since, they are very small, and like to hide in crevices of clothing or upholstery, they are very hard to notice right away. This can make it difficult to prevent a serious infestation.
Bed Bugs in NYC feed on the blood of warm blooded animals, including humans. They are most active at night. The first signs of a bed bug infestation are bug bites that occurred while sleeping. A bite from a bed bug is usually unnoticed. It is the anesthetic properties of their saliva that tend to cause a reaction. This reaction causes red and itchy bumps. If you wake in the morning with an itchy rash that appears to be bug bites, you may want to inspect for bed bugs.
Bed Bugs in NYC can hide in small crevices of furniture and clothing. They can also nest in box springs and mattresses. They have even been known to hide in loose flaps of wallpaper. By inspecting these areas, you can notice signs of these bugs. If you have an infestation, you will find either the bugs or their excrement. This can appear to be small dark specks in the creases of your furniture.
Since Bed Bugs in NYC are small, and hide in materials, they can be transported from one place to another unnoticed. Before bringing used furniture in your home, it is always a good idea to inspect for bugs. Luggage or clothing used for vacationing should be inspected and/ or cleaned before bringing into your home.
If you notice signs of a bed bug infestation, it is always a good idea to have your home treated for them. A company like Rudy’s Exterminating Company Inc. can assist with ridding your home of these and other pests.