How to Break in Your Custom Fitted Caps

by | Aug 18, 2015 | Shopping and Fashion

Custom fitted caps can be very comfortable, and can also be very stylish. However, those things can’t be true unless your hat fits properly. Fitted caps are designed for specific head sizes, but the truth is that everyone has a unique head shape. In fact, it’s very rare to find a hat that fits correctly when it’s first purchased. Another unfortunate truth is that most people don’t properly break in their custom fitted caps, which means that they never get fitted quite properly.

If you haven’t been using these tips to break in your caps, you’re missing out. You may find that using these tips make wearing your cap much more comfortable. Take a look at the four tips below.

Purchase the Correct Size

This tip is obvious, but it seems that trends always exist in the fashion industry that make people want to buy clothing that’s either too small, or too large. A hat that’s too small or too large for your head can’t fit properly, so measure your head and buy hats that are fitted for your size.

Wear It A Lot

If you don’t wear your hat frequently, it won’t conform to the shape of your head. When you first purchase your hat, you should wear it as much as you can. The heat and moisture coming from your head will help to encourage that hat to conform to the right shape over time.

Soak the Cap

This is a great way to speed up the break-in process, and get the hat fitting your head more comfortably very quickly. Place your cap in the sink and then soak it in hot water. The water should be hot, but not boiling as this could damage the cap permanently. Next, wear the cap. You want to put the cap on while it’s damp. The moisture will help the fabric in the cap to be more pliable. When you put it on your head, the cap will be more flexible, and will quickly conform to your head shape. As it dries, it will take on a more permanent mold.

Take a Hot Shower While You Wear the Cap

This tip is, in essence, very similar to the one preceding it. Just like the last tip, this helps the hat by using moisture to make it more flexible. It also helps you by saving you some time. In this case, too, you want to wear the hat until it dries. This way, it will dry and harden into the correct shape. These simple and easy tips can make your favorite cap a lot more comfortable to wear. Whether it’s a baseball cap from your favorite team, or a cap to show support for your favorite brand, having a proper fit is going to make it even better.

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