How an Arbor Care Company In St. Paul MN Helps Customers Manage Their Landscaping

by | May 30, 2018 | Landscaping

As new homeowners design and work on their landscaping, they may decide to plant a privacy hedge or barrier consisting of numerous shrubs or bushes. It eventually reaches an ideal height, but then it seems to quickly grow out of control. The property owners realize they don’t have the patience to trim this natural privacy screen. Instead, they hire an Arbor Care Company In St. Paul MN to do the pruning as needed.


These customers may have other problems with trees, bushes and shrubs that they’d like some help with. Bigger trees can benefit from pruning now and then; this is one of the most common reasons people call tree service companies. Professional tree service technicians have the skills and equipment to do the job in the best possible way.


Customers of an Arbor Care Company In St. Paul MN may have never realized how pervasive deer are in the Twin Cities area and how much these critters like to chew on tasty young branches. If the privacy screen consists of arborvitae shrubbery, the deer may be having a field day, so to speak. At this point, there isn’t a whole lot to be done about keeping deer out of the shrubbery aside from fencing. In the future, however, the homeowners might stick with a list of deer-resistant plantings.

Excessive Root Growth

Practical matters sometimes cause concern in regard to trees. If the home has begun experiencing sewer backups, the plumber may have identified tree roots as a problem. But cutting down trees near the sewer line will not stop roots from continuing to grow, so that’s no solution. Instead, treating the ends of the roots with specific kinds of herbicide can be done by flushing the substance down the toilets. This will not harm the rest of the tree.

Tree Removal

The customers can also consult with workers from a company like Business Name about what else they’d like to achieve with the landscaping now that it has grown a great deal. The property owners at some point may realize they were too enthusiastic in their tree planting, and now really should have a couple of these trees removed.

The Must List

