How a Wireless Network in Boulder Can Bring You Up to Speed in the 21st Century

by | Oct 17, 2013 | Computer And Internet

A Wireless Network Boulder is to your business what an elevator is to a twenty story building: an essential necessity, particularly if efficiency is your goal, which of course it is, because efficiency translates to money made and money saved, or in other words, profit. If you have a business with more than one employee or more than one computer, you need Ceres Technology Group to build you a network. Here’s why:

*     Versatility. A computer network permits data (spreadsheets, photos, videos, communications, contracts, etc. stored in one location to be retrieved in other locations on the network, where the info may be viewed, updated, altered, etc. as needs demand. It permits collaboration: several employees can use the same data at the same time to work on a multi-person project.

*    Resource sharing. By using a network, more expensive assets in terms of equipment and software may be purchased and shared by everyone on the network, increasing productivity while reducing costs. Multiple employees can share one high efficiency printer vs. having to have an individual printer dedicated to each work station.

*    Updates in information can be made across the board, in a streamlined fashion, causing the data on all stations to update simultaneously. This is more efficient than updating dozens of computer stations individually.

*    The need to save information to files and physically transfer them from computer to computer (which in some cases can be a security risk) is eliminated.

*    Sharing between similarly networked companies who are working together on different parts of a joint task is made possible, greatly facilitating communication as well as work flow.

*    Employee work flow is streamlined, with less inadvertent overlap and improved communication between members of a team.

*    Improved, integrated security of data management when securing a network is achieved.

*    Multiple backups. A good network has a plan to back up all critical data in more than one location in order to secure the entire network in the event of a cyber-attack or a physical disaster. There is greater client peace-of-mind when they know they’re working with a business that takes security seriously.

These are but some of the many advantages that a Wireless Network Boulder that’s tailored to your business’ can provide. Let Ceres Technology Group improve your up-time, efficiency, even reduce the number of employees you need and save you money on cooling and hardware costs. It’s time to let technology help your business to run more smoothly!

For more information, visit online!

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