How a Custody Lawyer in Carrollton, GA Helps Their Clients

by | Jan 8, 2018 | Law

Divorce can be an ugly matter, but it gets much more complicated when there are children involved. There are some instances where a divorcing couple are on the same page when it comes to where the kids will spend time and with whom. However, more often than not, the parents are at odds with this issue, usually when both want primary custody – although this isn’t always the case.

When it comes to determining the situation for the kids, it’s best to hire a custody lawyer in Carrollton, GA. They won’t have the emotional attachment the parents have and can look at the situation clearly to determine the best course of action for the custody case.

Determining Spousal Suitability

Often, the determining factor in a custody case is the fact that one parent is more suitable than another to be a primary caregiver. Legally, however, it’s not enough for one parent or the other to accuse their spouse of being neglectful, abusive or uninvolved. A lawyer will do the necessary legwork to prove that their client is the better parent by finding evidence that the other person is not.

Sorting Out Visitation

Once the primary caregiver is determined, it is important to sort out the visitation schedule. A custody lawyer in Carrollton, GA will work to get their client the best deal in this regard, but they will also make suggestions in terms of the kids and how they will benefit in a visitation situation. In a case where the other parent might be abusive or neglectful, the lawyer will petition the courts for supervised or limited visitation, such as only during the days and no overnight visits.

Court Representation

It is bad when a case gets to court because the lawyer has no control over how a judge will rule on visitation. However, they will represent their client to the best of their ability and provide the judge with the necessary information to hopefully make the right call on the case.

If you’re getting divorced and you need to help with custody, then a lawyer will be necessary. For someone who is already divorced and is looking to renegotiate their current custody agreement, a lawyer will be needed for that as well. If you aren’t sure where to start, visit Website domain for more information about hiring a lawyer and to schedule an appointment.

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