When you cause a serious car crash, you may know full well that you have to pay out damages to your victims. You may rely on your insurance policy to protect you from excessive monetary claims against your bank account and income.
However, even after giving the victims your insurance information, you still need to protect yourself legally. You can start by hiring counsel, like an experienced auto accident lawyer in Elgin, IL, to represent you.
Financial Protection
When any of your victims decide they want more than just payment from your insurer, they may try to take legal action against you. This action can come in the form of a lawsuit that seeks a judgment against your assets and future income.
When you have an attorney on retainer, you can get the legal defense you need to protect yourself from excessive and undue lawsuits. Your lawyer can prove to the court that your insurer already paid for those people’s damages and lost income. They have no reason to sue you for additional money.
Your attorney may also help you stay out of jail if the police file charges against you for causing the wreck. You may receive a lesser punishment, such as a civil fine or community service, and avoid having to serve time behind bars.
You can find out more about hiring an auto accident lawyer in Elgin, IL, online. Contact the Shea Law Group for more information.