In 2015, about 2,333 teens died as a result of car crashes while about 221,313 ended up in emergency rooms for injuries sustained from the accident, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported. If your teens are already starting to drive, those numbers could be frightening. Before you let your teens behind the wheel, here are a few essential things you’ll want to talk to cover when you give them ‘the talk’:
Stay calm
Impress upon them the importance of keeping a steady head in a crisis. If they find themselves in an accident, remind them to stay calm. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed or to let panic set in in that situation but it’s important for them not to let that happen. Advise them to take deep breaths and keep a steady head on their shoulders.
Get professional help
Once they’re able, tell them to get help. Make that call as soon as possible. The thought that help is going to be on the way will do a lot to ease their anxiety and panic.
Go to a doctor
Tell them not to dismiss any symptoms or pain or discomfort and get them to promise to seek out medical attention. Symptoms can take time to fully develop. Internal injuries might not be as obvious too so your kids might not be aware of the extent of their injuries until they see a doctor. Only after seeing personal injury doctors in Orlando and getting a clean bill of health will they be in the clear.
Give them a list
Here’s where you can do a bit of research. Look for reputable personal injury doctors in Orlando ahead of time. Then provide your kids with that information. Let them know they can go to these doctors for help. This way, if anything happens on the road, you know they have what they need.