Getting Worthwhile DUI Help In Martinsburg WV

by | May 9, 2014 | Lawyers & Law Firms

Police are always on patrol looking for DUI offenders. Those who drive under the influence are a danger to themselves and everyone else around them. However, when it comes getting pulled over for a DUI there are some smart choices you’re going to need to make. Take a look at the following DUI help Martinsburg WV offers to consider what to do when you’ve been pulled over.

Remain calm. Far too often people immediately panic and act out because they’re upset or concerned about going to jail. If a police car pulls up behind you, and flashes their lights, you should stop immediately. When the officer walks up to your vehicle you should roll down your window and politely engage him or her.

Provide only the information that’s required. The first thing the officer will ask you to provide is your state license and insurance information. At this point you can count on the officer to ask you a few questions. The officer will want to know where you’re coming from or where you’re going to. Did you just leave a club or bar? Are you going home? The officer isn’t being ‘nosey’ they’re simply attempting to determine how coherent you are at the moment. If you answer without any problems, things will go smoothly. If you’re answering while slurring your words, you might end up going to jail and need the DUI help Martinsburg WV offers.

Field sobriety tests will likely be offered at some point. If an officer suspects that you’ve had too much to drink, he or she will ask you to step out of the vehicle and perform a series of sobriety tests. However, it’s important that you know that these tests are optional, which means that you can refuse them and get DUI help Martinsburg WV provides.

One of the most popular tests is the breathalyzer test. The breathalyzer will test your blood alcohol level. If you’re asked to perform the test before you’re arrested, you can politely decline the offer. However, if the officer asks you to perform the test after being arrested, you have two options: accept it or choose the blood test. If you refuse to take either test, your license will likely be suspended. Take into account this, and the other DUI help Martinsburg WV offers.

The Must List

