More than 20% of children in the US suffer from allergy or asthma symptoms. The optimal and age-appropriate medical care for these patients should be overseen by a Pediatric Allergist in Starkville MS. This is especially important since each child may present with different symptoms.
Doctors who specialize in this area see children and adolescents with diseases from the entire spectrum of pediatric allergology. Their patients include those with atopic dermatitis, respiratory allergic diseases, food allergies, and insect venom allergies. Also, they are there to answer all types of questions related to pediatric allergies, such as incompatibilities and allergies to medications.
With the extensive diagnostic options available, a Pediatric Allergist in Starkville MS can offer modern and high-quality allergy diagnostics and therapy. In addition to in-vitro examinations, a number of skin tests (prick, intra-cutaneous, epi-cutaneous tests) are performed.
Special immunotherapy
When it comes to the treatment of pollen allergens, some indoor allergens (e.g. house dust mites) and insecticides, doctors offer specific immunotherapy. This so-called hypo-sensitization has been practiced for many years in the U.S. Since the basis of any successful hypo-sensitization is through thorough diagnostics, in addition to the diagnostic methods already described, conjunctival, nasal, and bronchial provocations are used as well.
Specific immunotherapy will continue to be a focus of any allergology outpatient clinic. In close cooperation with established colleagues, patients with pronounced allergic symptoms can find the treatment they need as soon as possible. Hypo-sensitization in insect venom allergies is usually initiated in-house.
The diagnosis of an allergy is based on the consultation, the examination of the patient and the practice of skin tests that can be accompanied by blood tests. Skin tests, also known as “prick tests,” are the most frequently performed tests in allergy-focused medicine. The principle of these tests is to duplicate an allergic reaction.
These tests are painless and last about 30 minutes. A tiny drop of an allergen is deposited on the skin and, if there is a positive allergic reaction, the patient will notice some itching and redness of the skin. Blood tests can be used to clarify the diagnosis of allergy, to monitor it, and to highlight cross-allergies. Browse our website for more information.