Get The Dental Help You Need With A Reputable Emergency Dentist In Bethesda, MD.

by | Jan 25, 2017 | Dentistry

Dental issues can arise at any time, especially if an accident occurs that chips or breaks a tooth. Seeing a dentist when a person needs to can often be difficult when they have to schedule an appointment during weekends or after hours. This is where an emergency dentist comes in handy. Many Bethesda area dental practices, like Aspen Hill Implant & Family Dentistry PC, offer emergency dental care for patients who need a dental issue resolved regardless of when it occurs. Emergency dental care can often be a little more expensive than typical dental procedures, but can often save a patient from having to wait several days just to see their regular dentist.

In most cases, emergency dentists handle the same type of dental problems a regular dentist will. This can include tooth extractions, crowns, veneers, and even simple cavity fillings. Oftentimes, an Emergency Dentist in Bethesda MD will be capable of resolving most situations a patient may have. In some situations, however, they may only be able to offer a temporary fix until the patient can see their regular dentist. This often happens when a patient goes in for a severely broken tooth that needs to be pulled. Once the tooth is extracted, the patient will need to see their regular dentist for a replacement implant or bridge to be put in. They can often handle less severe problems, however, like crowning a tooth that’s been broken partially.

Another issue that an Emergency Dentist in Bethesda MD can help a patient out with is an infection. When a tooth is infected, the best course of action is to get it taken care of as soon as possible. Seeing an emergency dentist will provide the patient with antibiotics to help clear the infection out, as well as pain relievers if necessary. A tooth infection has to be cleared up before any dentist can work on the affected tooth. This is due to the risk of the infection entering the blood stream during any work done on it. Once the infection is cleared up, a regular dentist can then work on the tooth.

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