Pet supplies in Folsom CA, range from aquariums for tropical fish to food for small pets and corrals for large ranch animals. Several brands of food and nutritional supplements are available for small pets, such as birds, cats, dogs, rabbits, and reptiles. Livestock feeds include all blends for poultry, sheep, goats, pigs, cattle, and horses. Large pet stores in the area cater to residential customers, farms, and small ranches. Supplies like bedding, feeders, troughs, water bottles, and tack needs are in stock and there when you need them.
Western clothing is also available from brand names like Carhartt, Wrangler, and Stetson. All the heavy-duty clothing, work gloves, and boots you need to get tasks done around the farm or ranch can be found in the pet supply store. Items for your kitchen and home are also available, including cast iron frying pans and wood pellet stoves. Decorative items such as wall art, throw pillows, and tablecloths are among the items you will find.
Other Pet supplies in Folsom CA, include wild bird feeders, gates, pond supplies, and electric fence supplies. Fence posts are available, including both T-Posts and galvanized steel posts. Post concrete is sold as well. Staff members can give you instructions for building a fence or help you find the right tools you need for a specific job. If you are looking for an item and cannot find it, ask the staff to order it for you. Many new items are introduced as they become available, so be sure to look around in case there is something you could use on the farm or ranch.
Services are also available at larger pet stores, such as bird wing clipping and onsite and pet clinics. Pet clinics are hosted at the location, and cats and dogs can get vaccinations at affordable pricing. Other services offered by the veterinarian include tests for Lyme disease and parasites, microchip pet IDs, and preventative heartworm treatments. A pet supply store that is a one stop shop will save you time and money on all the supplies you need to keep your pets and livestock safe and healthy.