Get Rid of Your Old Junk Metal Items at Scrap Metal Yards In NJ

by | Nov 19, 2013 | Materials and Supplies

When times were lean and money was tight, selling old scrap metals was one more way to make a little extra money in New Jersey. Of course, scrap metal didn’t always bring in a lot of cash and collecting the waste material was often a ton of work, but a creative person could usually find ways to locate old junk for recycling. For example, taking on a job for cleaning a yard or garage was often a great way to accumulate any of the scrap metals the owners had collected.

Alternately, you could drive through the neighborhoods watching for junk items like old appliances that homeowners needed to get rid of. Of course, collecting the scrap was only part of the process. Knowing which Scrap Metal Yards In NJ offered the best prices always came in handy.

However, it also helps to know what types of metals these companies will buy. Most Scrap Metal Yards In NJ will take basic metal such as the ferrous iron used in appliances or cars. This also includes many sheet metals such as siding and old style roofing products. Heavy steel is also easily sold which includes a variety of machinery parts, automotive items, construction beams and other products. Most scrap yards will also recycle nonferrous metals such as aluminum, brass and copper. These metals can be found in a variety of items. For example, aluminum comes in siding for homes and buildings as well as cans for food and sodas. It is also used in the automotive industry for engine blocks and other parts including transmission housings and wheels.

Some of the most valuable scrap metals accepted by companies like H&C Metals include copper and brass. Copper is typically found in electrical wiring, electrical motors, plumbing and even older roofing systems. Brass can sometimes be found in older air conditioning systems, but both metals were very popular for many items simply because they were easy to work with.



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